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Have you fallen off track?

October 09, 20221 min read

Do you feel like you've fallen off track?

It's something that happens to all of us at some time or another...

The question is, what do we do when it happens, and how do we get back on track as quickly as possible?

Falling off course is something that happens to us all, motivation wanes, maybe life gets in the way, or maybe we're just questioning if the thing we're going after is the right thing for us.

There are so many reasons that things may feel like they're out of our control or going off course.

It is hard to stay motivated at all times, in fact, it's not something that's likely to be possible for any of us.

As with all things in the world, we too go through cycles and seasons in our lives. Periods where we are growing and able to make things move and transform at great speed. Periods where we need to rest, recuperate, and hibernate in our own ways.

However, sometimes we forget to allow ourselves the grace to go through the natural cycles that all living things in our world go through.

But how do you get back on track..?

I know, I know...that's the real thing you want to know!

And, I'll tell you right now, I don't have a magical secret for you to overcome all obstacles or mental blocks you may be facing!

That being said, I will say that the key is found in how you mentally approach the situation. Looking for a silver lining, something you can cling to that fuels your motivation and causes you to feel that spark of excitement, joy and possibility!

Check out this week's video which is all about falling off track, losing motivation and overcoming your struggles!

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