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Setting Healthy Boundaries

October 23, 20221 min read

The Power of Boundaries!

Do you set healthy boundaries in your life?

Are you taking on too many things for other people and sacrificing your own in the process?

Boundaries...a word that can feel foreign to so many of us. But it's so important when it comes to managing your ambitions and your mental wellbeing.

As women, we're so often expected to do everything. provide for our families but also manage the home, be the primary caretaker of children if we choose to have them and bend over backwards to show that we love and support the people in our lives.

I find that we place a lot of personal pressure on ourselves in order to prove our love, devotion, and support of others through acts of service, generally. Ensuring that we're caring for those around us, that we're supporting others to reach their full potential.

Who is supporting you?

When our efforts and energies are so involved in caring for others, we can often times forget to give ourselves the love and support we are giving to others. Maybe not forget, but we have nothing left in our cup, or our days, to give to ourselves.

The truth is nobody will support you like you support yourself, and you are the only person who will be with you on every step of your journey through this life. It is so important to tune into your personal feelings and needs and do what you know you need for yousefl.

Check out this week's YouTube video below, all about the impact of your surroundings!

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